Customer Service Chatbot Demo

Does your team ever get overloaded with customer support inquires?  Wish you could focus their time on more hi level tasks as well as take care of more urgent emergency issues?

You spend a pile of money on a campaign and you’re getting a ton of traffic to your site and making a lot of sales which is great but it means you probably also have a boatload of customer support inquiries that your team may not be handling.
Have you ever tried to connect with a company to ask a question or because of an issue?  How did it make you feel when you struggled to connect?  How do you think it makes your customers feel?  How much money does it cost you when you lose one customer and how many customers do you think you’ve lost since you opened?
It’s not your fault.  Lot’s of companies find themselves stretched thin between sales, marketing, and support.  Answering the same questions over and over via email or phone.
Chatbots can help automate repetitive customer support inquires that bog your team down as well as notify them to come in on more hi level tasks and take care of urgent and emergency customer support inquires rather than just answer the same questions over and over.
They can help even a two-person team look and feel like they have a full-fledged support department.
Experience this for yourself by visiting our website and clicking on the chatbot widget in the lower right corner.
Write down your FAQs and any related ones, along with how you would respond to those questions face to face, then click the “Free Consultation” button and let’s talk about how we can have a chatbot automate this for you so your team can offer higher-level support and retain more customers.