Chatbot Creation Agency for Facebook Messenger, Instagram and SMS Marketing
Conversational Marketer is a chatbot creation company that builds and maintains conversational marketing funnels for companies like yours.
• Conversations are the new “leads” and we help start more conversations between your business and potential customers.
• We help you have more conversations you WANT to have (e.g. sales) and less conversations you DON’T (e.g. repetitive FAQ’s).
Our mission is to help make each click, tap and customer interaction as profitable as possible so you can do more of what matters to you most.
Are you frustrated with abandoned carts? Do you wish you could get more people to jump in at the beginning of your sale? Are your customers ignoring your email and retargeting efforts?
How much money do you think it’s costing you a month because of these issues?
Read “The Consumer Shift” article below to discover what businesses are doing to solve these and other challenges as they prepare themselves for a HUGE shift happening in communication and buying habits as consumers migrate from email and desktop to mobile and messaging apps/SMS.
The Consumer Shift from Desktop and Email to Mobile and Messaging/SMS
It used to be when you wanted to talk with your friends and family you would shoot them an email via desktop but think about it… when’s the last time you sent an email to a friend or family member?
Stop and really think about it, do you typically email your mom or do you text your mom? Do you send pictures to your kids via email or mobile? When you want an answer right now do you email or message?
How do most people communicate now? Messaging apps and SMS on mobile…
In fact, there are now more global monthly messaging app users than social media app users… and that shift happened back in late 2014…

Here are some more mind-blowing stats!

These numbers are huge because they tell us that consumers want to talk with businesses using these mobile channels but what about actually making purchases on mobile?
The E-commerce retail purchase shift towards mobile.
It’s said, “The trend is your friend” and with that said, take a look at these numbers. * source:
2019: Mobile traffic surpasses desktop traffic in the USA
2019: 44.7% of US retail e-commerce is generated via m-commerce
2020: 49.2% of US retail e-commerce is expected to be generated via m-commerce
2021: 53.9% of US retail e-commerce is expected to be generated via m-commerce
So, what’s the best strategy moving forward?
Email Marketing vs Messenger/SMS Marketing
If there’s a $1 bill on the table and a $5 bill on the table which do you take…Both 😀
Email marketing works great for desktop but people on mobile prefer to communicate via messaging apps and SMS. As the marketplace shifts to mobile-first, businesses will have to adopt these channels if they want to be part of those conversations and make those sales.
In the same way, Netflix replaced Blockbuster, businesses that are not part of these conversations will be left behind and replaced by those that are.
Businesses that are not part of these conversations will be left behind and replaced by those that are.
The good news is, if you already have a winner with an email campaign, you can take what’s working, and with some modifications, plug it into a Messenger/SMS marketing campaign and absolutely crush it! Here’s why…
Whatever is working for you with email will work even better on Messenger/SMS
There are a couple of reasons why your email campaign success rate is a good indication of an even more successful Messenger/SMS campaign.
Reason #1 Time compressions: Which has a faster back and forth, email or text? A text right? Messages/SMS are conversational by nature which means the back and forth happens within minutes whereas back and forth with email could take days or even weeks. This means you can compress an email campaign down from weeks to days or hours to minutes which can speed up your sales cycle.
Reason #2 Open and click-through rates: Google “Messenger open rates” and you’ll see businesses are getting 80%+ open rates with 25-35% click-through rates. What would happen to your total sales if your last email campaign had those numbers?
Reason #3 Higher and faster opt-in rates: Chatbots outperform traditional email, landing page opt-ins which means you’ll get more people to send to.
An added bonus…
Here’s another reason why you can potentially grow your Messenger/SMS list faster than your email list.

What Problems Can Chatbots Solve?
As you may have guessed already, due to the nature of conversational marketing, chatbots can totally help you increase your abandoned cart recovery rate as well as help pull in more shoppers at the beginning of a sale and even put you back in front of your elusive customers but what else can they help with?
What are the repetitive tasks that keep your top sales, marketing, or customer service reps from income-producing activity? What tasks are impossible to humanly do at scale? Chatbots work with your team as part of the team to allow them to focus on what they do best as well as what helps you profit more.
Chatbots are very powerful and flexible enough to fit right in with your existing strategies so you don’t have to worry about “changing everything” in order to implement solid chatbot strategies.
Many strategies can just “bolt-on” to what you’re already running while many others will allow you to tap into opportunities that don’t exist without a chatbot. They are extremely robust and can absolutely drive growth.
If you’d like to see some in action then check out our chatbot demo page
What’s the next step?
The next step would be for us to hop on a call so we can find out more about your business and take a look at your current marketing strategies to see how a chatbot would best fit for you and your business.
Chat Marketing and Chatbot FAQs
How is this different from the Live Chat feature already on my website, like Zendesk or Intercom, don’t I already have one of these chat pop-ups on my website?
Zendesk and Intercom are mainly customer service chatbots designed to get someone to a FAQ database or live with a customer service rep. They don’t easily capture the customer’s contact information and once the conversation is over they have no way to reach back out to the customer to continue the conversation or start a new one like asking if they would like to get on a list for an upcoming sale. Also, these type chatbots can’t start a conversation off the website that leads customers into a marketing funnel or a sales pipeline, they just aren’t designed to do that. Because of this, you wouldn’t use them as part of your overall marketing and sales strategy.
How will this work with my current marketing and sales systems?
We’ll be able to seamlessly transfer data between your chatbot and other software tools. This data transfer will let us personalize the conversation for each user and help you collect more insights on your audience. For example, the chatbot will collect email and other important information about your user, then send that to your CRM, then send it to your email marketing software.
Why Facebook Messenger?
It won’t be only Facebook Messenger, it will also be SMS but if you can start capitalizing on Messenger and SMS now, then you’ll be much more prepared to handle the coming messaging platforms of Whatsapp, Instagram and more. If you don’t… you’ll be very behind in just a few years from now. We start with Facebook Messenger because it has the highest ROI. The numbers are there more than any other platform – Over 1.4 billion users a month, 20 billion messages sent a month between businesses and users. Facebook also has a very heavy internal motivation to help businesses reach customers on the Messenger platform.
Since these are so smart, will I be able to ask it anything and it’ll be able to respond?
It won’t be able to answer every single possible question that people ask but over time as we identify the questions that people ask it that matter the most to your business we can certainly program it to answer those questions.
Are chatbots expensive?
Compared to abandoned carts, nobody showing up for a sale and the myriad other issues chatbots solve, no they are not expensive. The chatbots we build are focused on driving revenue and we work hard to make sure we bring you more in value than you pay us in money. We also have a money-back guarantee so if you’re not happy within 30 days you can get your money back. With that in mind, the biggest expense involved with a chatbot is not having one in place to help with the issues draining your bank account.
Can’t my marketing team just do this?
Sure, we can work with your marketing team to build the foundation of your chatbot and help you set everything up the right way (so you don’t get banned from Facebook Messenger or sued by misuse of SMS). Doing this the right way usually takes 2-4 months. From there, we can help put together processes for your team to execute chatbot campaigns and understand how to use the platforms (and their policies). If you ever need guidance in the future as your team takes on management of the bot, we’re available for consulting.
Can’t my social media team or Facebook ads agency just do this?
Chatbots work hand in hand with social media and Facebook but at the end of the day, they are different disciplines. It would sort of be like asking an eye doctor to take a look at your foot. That’s not to say they can’t do the work but chances are that if they have not already talked with you about chatbots it’s because they don’t offer the services. You should ask them about it and if they don’t offer the services then we’d love to meet them.